Hubflo automatically manages the incrementation of your invoices and proposals numbering because there must not be any "gaps" in your numbering.
Each time you issue an invoice or a proposal, Hubflo will assign it an official number following the sequence you have set.
Here are the steps to configure your numbering:
Go to your invoicing settings.
Set up your prefixe and the number for the next invoice:
Let's take a practical example:
Suppose I number my invoices using the following model:
And imagine I've already issued 6 invoices before switching to Hubflo.
👉 I would simply set up my numbering like this: F-{{year}}-{{month}}-00-number.
You can use the variables {{year}}, {{month}}, and {{day}} in your prefix if you wish.
⚠️ Once your numbering is configured and saved, you will not be able to change it.
And that's it! My next invoice will therefore be numbered F-2022-12-007