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Invite my colleagues to Hubflo
Hubflo Team avatar
Written by Hubflo Team
Updated over 2 months ago

Would you like to invite employees with different roles to Hubflo? Here's how to do it:

1.Invite a colleague

  1. Click on your profile icon at the top right of your screen ⚙️

  2. Then click on "users".

  3. Finally, click on "invite a new member

4. Enter your colleague's details and click on "send invitation":

👀 This is what the email invitation will look like from your colleague's perspective :

2. Manage access :

Again from the settings ⚙️ ➡️ "Users".
As administrator of your Hubflo account, you can manage access for your colleagues:

→ There are 5 types of access:

  • Owner: full access to your account including settings.

  • Regular member: can create, modify and delete any item but has no access to settings.

  • Limited member: can only view, modify or delete items for which they are the owner or a member. They do not have access to the billing section or the client portal

  • Contractor: They do not have access to the Workspaces and Billing section or the client portal

  • Accountant: They only have access to Messaging and Billing section of the client portal

ℹ️ To delete or modify a member, please contact support via the chat at the bottom right.

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